DENİZLİ Ielts Sınavı, DENİZLİ Ielts Sınavı Hazırlık, Ielts



DENİZLİ IELTS Sınavı, DENİZLİ IELTS Sınavı Hazırlık, IELTS Okuma Parçası


1 – DENİZLİ IELTS Sınavı Hazırlık ( Birebir – Özel IELTS sınavı hazırlık Dersi )
2 – DENİZLİ IELTS Sınavı Hazırlık ( 4 kişilik Grup  IELTS sınavı hazırlık Dersi )


DENİZLİ IELTS Sınavı, IELTS Sınavı Hazırlık, IELTS Okuma  programları ile DENİZLİ IELTS Sınavı, IELTS Sınavı Hazırlık, IELTS Okuma temel eğitim birimlerimizde IELTS Sınavı, IELTS Sınavı Hazırlık, IELTS Okuma için eğitim veriyoruz. 


IELTS Information:
The IELTS test occurs approximately twice a month on Saturday.
The cost of the IELTS Test is approximately 345 TL.
There are many different hints, tips and clues for the IELTS exam. Here are some useful ones.

IELTS Reading Tips:

  1. Order: The Reading section questions are in order in the reading. This is true most of the time, but not necessarily all of the time.

For example, in the True/False/Not Given, Yes/No/Not Given question types, there are often paragraph or idea summaries. This means you will not find the answer later in the reading, but will have to decide whether or not the question is true based on a general understanding of the paragraph or idea as a whole.

  1. Scan and Skim: For Fill in the Blank, Sentence Completion and Short-Answer Questions, skimming and scanning techniques should be utilized. These are the types of questions with which time can be gained. More time can then be spent on difficult question types, such as Matching Headings, that require the test taker to read in depth.
  2. Time: Do not spend more than a minute on a difficult question. If you cannot find the answer, make a guess, narrow it down to 50-50, make a note, and if you have time later, you can come back and spend more time on it. Remember that there are 40 questions in the Reading module and just 60 minutes of test time. ( Zor bir soru üzerinde 1 dakikadan daha fazla zaman harcamayın.Kelimenin anlamını tahmin edin.Eğer daha sonra vaktiniz kalırsa geri dönebilir ve o kelime üzerinde daha fazla zaman harcayabilirsiniz. Unutmayı nki IELTS okuma bölümünde 40 soru var ve sizin zamanınız sadece 60 dakika )
  3. Read the Question First: Reading the question(s) before reading is a vital key to reducing the amount of time spent reading. You can often skim and find an answer without reading the whole text, but if you don’t read the question first, it is impossible to skim and find it. ( Önce soruları okuyun. IELTS Okuma parçasını okumadan önce soruları okumak yaşamsaldır bu okuma parçasına harcanacak olan süreyi azaltmak için hayati bir anahtardır. Sık sık parçaya göz atabilirsiniz ve bütün parçayı okumaksızın bir cevap bulabilirsiniz ama ilk önce eğer soruları okumazsanız,parçayı incelemeniz vede cevapları bulmanız imkansızdır.)
  4. Key Words: Always underline key words in the question. Look for the key words in the passage, but do not answer questions based solely on finding a key word. Key words that are proper nouns (Australia, America, England) and numbers (July 10, $5 billion) are the easiest to find.
  5. Synonyms/Antonyms: If the key word in the question is ‘fast’, you will most likely be looking for a synonym of fast, or an example of something fast. Do not simply look for key words as this may lead to choosing the wrong answer. Conversely, you may be looking for a word that has the opposite meaning of fast, or an example of something slow. It is a very common mistake to match a word in the question to a word in the text and think you have found the answer. This rarely works because the IELTS test makers write these words in knowing full well that the student will be looking for an easy answer.
  6. 50-50 chance: If you have a Multiple Choice question and are not sure of the answer, try to eliminate one or two of the possibilities, thus giving yourself a better chance of guessing the answer.
  7. Guess: Do not leave any question blank. If you run out of time at the end of the test, just guess. You may get a couple more correct answers.
  8. If you do not know the answer to a True/False/Not Given or Yes/No/Not Given answer, do not choose ‘Not Given’ as it is the least frequent answer.
  9. Active Reading: While reading the text, underline words, phrases or numbers that you think might be important. This will help you to focus on what you are reading, and when you go back to find certain information, it will be more apparent. ((Parçaları okurken kelimelerin ifadelerin ve sayıların altlarını çizin.Bu sizin okuduğunuz parçaya odaklamanızı sağlar ve belli bazı bilgileri bulmak için geri döndüğünüzde , bilgiyi bulmanız daha açık ( kolay ) olacaktır.
  10. Running out of time?: If you are running out of time, leave all of the questions that can be guessed on until the very end. For example, Fill in the Blank and Sentence Completion answers can’t be guessed; you need to find the right word in the passage. However, True/False/Not Given and Matching Headings questions can be guessed, often with good

    Denizli Ielts Sınavı,Denizli Ielts Sınavı Hazırlık, Denizli  Ielts 


IELTS Writing Tips                                                                                                                        

  1. Task 2 is priceless: Writing Task 2 is worth more points that Writing Task 1, so spend more time on it.
  2. Academic Task 1 Vocab: Writing Task 1 in the Academic test looks scary at first, but there are lots of nifty key words that you can memorize that will help to make Task 1 a breeze. Check out our IELTS Vocabulary section to learn words that are vital to getting a good score on the test.
  3. No opinion in Academic Task 1: Writing Task 1 should consist of formal analysis. That means no personal pronouns, no opinions from the writer; just cold hard facts.
  4. Outline: Many people can’t organize their thoughts unless they have a plan. Take a minute to organize your thoughts in an outline.
  5.  Too few words: The minimum word count for Task 1 is 150 words, and for Task 2 it is 250 words. Don’t write fewer than the minimum or you lose points.
  6. Read Academic Task 1 carefully: Don’t just start writing as soon as you get the paper. Look at the information and note which information should be generalized and which deserves emphasis. ( Kağıdı alır almaz hemen yazmaya başlamayın bilgi ve notlara bakın hangisi vurguyu hak ediyor yada hangisi genelleştirilmiş belirleyin )
  7. Read General Training Task 1 carefully: Don’t forget to include one of the points. That is the easiest and quickest way to getting a bad Writing Band Score.
  8. Don’t repeat vocab: If you have used a vocabulary word or phrase (for example, significant, increase) twice, don’t use it a third time. Remember, you get more points for using a variety of vocabulary. ( Eğer bir kelimeyi iki kez kullandıysanız üçüncü kez aynı kelimeyi kullanmayın, kelimeleri tekrarlamayın . Unutmayın ki ne kadar farklı bir kelime haznesi kullanırsanız daha fazla puan alırsınız. )
  9. Time Yourself: Before the test, you should time yourself writing as many practice essays as possible.
  10. Write clearly and legibly: Many students have bad handwriting. This is not the time to write words that can’t be read by the IELTS examiner. If they can’t read a word, then it is marked wrong and you lose points.
  11. Leave time for revision: Leave at least a few minutes at the end to go back and look for grammar, punctuation and spelling mistakes.
  12. Common IELTS writing topics: Be familiar with all these topics: environment, health, health care, technology, cell phones, internet, social media, education, poverty, crime
  13. Transition and connecting words: Have a vast range of words that will help you emphasize a point (indeed, moreover), present contrast (although, whereas), or change gears (on the other hand, conversely).
  14. Paraphrase: Do not copy the question word for word into your essay. This will lose you big points. Instead, paraphrase, and if possible change the grammar of the sentence
  15. Akademik Ielts Sınavı, Akademik Ielts Sınavı Hazırlık, Akademik Ielts 

    IELTS Speaking Tips

  1. Different day and time: The speaking test does not take place at the same time as the listening, reading and writing modules. The speaking test can take place the day before, the day of, or the day after the exam. You cannot choose the day and time of your speaking test. You will be told the day and time of your speaking test several days before the test itself, so check your email regularly!
  2. One-to-one: It is just you and the examiner in the speaking exam. The interview will be recorded.
  3. Review the speaking test: You should know how many tasks there are (there are 3) and what you can expect from each task. If you want to see some live action examples, type ‘IELTS Speaking’ into youtube.
  4. Answer the question in full: If they ask you, “What is your name?”, your answer should not be “Jon”. You should repeat the question back to them and answer it. “My name is Jonathan, but you can call me Jon.”
  5. Assume the examiner will ask you “Why?”: Even if the question is a yes/no question, give support for your answer. For example, “What is your favorite color?” should be answered with “My favorite color is blue, and I love that particular color because…” If the examiner doesn’t want you to tell them why, they will stop you.
  6. Don’t freak out if the examiner stops you: The examiner only has 11-14 minutes with you and must ask you a certain number of questions in order to accurately gauge your understanding. If they stop you in mid-sentence, don’t worry, you haven’t done anything wrong.
  7. Present yourself well: Sit up straight, make eye contact, don’t fidget, speak clearly, don’t stutter. Do in the test what you would do in a job interview.
  8. Fluency is key: Fluency is more important than vocabulary. If you forget a fancy vocabulary word, use a simpler one.
  9. Be expressive: Use your hands while talking, smile, joke, be funny, charming, and don’t speak in a monotone voice (modulate your tone of voice).
  10. Change the question: The examiner could ask you about a question you have little to no information about. For example, “Tell me about competition in the workplace.” If you are a student, you could say, “I am a student, so I don’t have any work experience. Can I tell you about competition in academics?”
  11. Task 2 notes: Do not not take notes in Task 2! Failing to take notes is a common mistake. Anything could happen in the midst of a speaking test. You may forget what you were going to say, so make sure you have it on the note paper in front of you.
  12. Be interesting: Keep in mind that the IELTS examiner interviews hundreds of students for each test. Giving boring or common answers is a surefire way to get average points. If the examiner asks you, “What do you do in your spare time?”, don’t say “I go to the cinema with my friends.” While it may be true, it is a boring answer. Instead, say “I have a passion for diving, so whenever I get a free weekend I go to the sea and scuba dive.”
  13. In Task 3, give detail: Give examples, relate an anecdote, tell a joke; do pretty much anything that will make what you said memorable.

    Genel Ielts Sınavı, Genel Ielts Sınavı Hazırlık, Genel Ielts 

IELTS Listening Tips

  1. No repeat: The recording is only played once. There are no second chances.
  2. Active reading: You have a chance to read the questions before you listen to the recording. Read carefully and underline key words.
  3. Guess: If you miss an answer, make the best guess you can.
  4. Read ahead: At the beginning of the test, there is an introduction approximately 2 minutes and 30 seconds in length. Use this time to read ahead and familiarize yourself with the question types and topics.
  5. Ignore missed questions: If you miss a question, don’t sit there thinking about what it could have been. If you have a guess, make a note, but then move on to the other questions.
  6. Lost?: If you are lost and don’t know which question you are on, this means you didn’t read ahead and mark key words. Look for key words in the questions and wait to hear them. The worst case scenario is you see other candidates turn their pages. You should turn at the same time.
  7. Numbers: Some numbers are easy to mix up: 13, 30; 15, 50; 16, 60. Make sure you are familiar with how these numbers are pronounced.
  8. Practice before the exam: You should do lots of listening in preparation for the exam. Watch movies and tv shows without subtitles


Ielts Sınavı, Ielts Sınavı Hazırlık, Ielts 

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