Ielts Sınav Çalışmaları


Ielts Sınav Çalışmaları İle İlgili Alıştırmalar

1 –  Ielts özel ders ( Bireysel – Ielts özel ders )
2 –  Ielts özel ders ( 4 kişilik Gruplarla- Ielts özel ders )

1 ) ………… outnumbered and poorly equipped, soldiers in several parts of the country offered resistance; most notably the Royal Guard in Copenhagen and units in South Jutland.

A) As soon as B) In case C) Although D) Even if E) As much as

2 ) The government remained somewhat intact, and the parliament continued to function more or less ………. it had before

A) for B) as C) even though D) whereas E) if

3 ) Human “dog and pony show” type events organized by advocates of eugenics, …………men and women appeared on stage in swimsuits in eugenic competitions only Nordic Aryans were allowed to enter to be evaluated for their physical and mental qualities as marriage partners were common throughout Europe and North America in the 1920s.

A) that B) which C) whether D) what E) where

4 ) Philip Segal, a British expatriate who worked for Columbia Pictures television arm in the United States, had approached the BBC about such a venture as early as July 1989, …………. the 26th series was still in production.

A) while B) because of C) in spite of D) owing to E) so as to

5 ) Due to it being felt that the coverage of the events of the assassination as well as a series of power blackouts across the country may have caused too many viewers to miss this introduction to a new series, the BBC broadcast it again on 30 November 1963, just ……………. the broadcast of episode two.

A) in order that B) before C) much as D) as well E) although

Ielts Sınav Çalışmaları

6 ) Batman became a very popular character soon ………… his introduction and gained his own comic book title, Batman, in 1940.

A) even though B) so long as C) while D) after E) what is more

7 ) …………… Kane initially rebutted Finger’s claims at having created the character, writing in a 1965 open letter to fans that “it seemed to me that Bill Finger has given out the impression that he and not myself created the ”Batman, t’ as well as Robin and all the other leading villains and characters.

A) once B) until C) if D) when E) although

8 ) A diverse infrastructure allows for a blend of bicycles, cars and public transport ……………the Copenhagen Metro serves central Copenhagen, the S-train connects the outlying boroughs.

A) since B) because C) while D) after E) as soon as

9 ) Copenhagen’s founding has traditionally been dated to Bishop Absalon’s construction of a castle on the small island of Slotsholmen in 1167 …………… Christiansborg Palace stands today.

A) when B) which C) where D) of which E) whose

10 ) A diverse infrastructure allows for a blend of bicycles, cars and public transport ………….. the Copenhagen Metro serves central Copenhagen, the S-train connects the outlying boroughs.

A) since B) so C) because D) while E) in order that

CORRECT ANSWERS (Doğru Yanıtlar)

1 ) C 2 ) B 3 ) E 4 ) A 5 ) B 6 ) D 7 ) E 8 ) C 9 ) C 10 ) D

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Sınav Çalışmaları


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